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The Guards of Nightfall
Ryder aka Haraldr: The last of the Vikings, Ryder was petitioned in death by Talorc to be made into a vampire. His human life ended in the Raid on Bjarkøy in 1323. He has shoulder-length brown hair and amber eyes and is the tallest among his comrades. He is the Captain of The Guards of Nightfall and is known for being stoic, loyal, and stubborn. When not fighting he likes to work out, dally with his cars, or visit with his brethren.
Damian aka Damianos: A Byzantian-Greek soldier born in 1400, who died in the last year of the Siege of Thessalonica. He was petitioned to be made by Ryder, who’d heard of his great feats on the battlefield. Sports curling black hair with shining copper eyes that beget his arrogance, belligerence, and hot-headedness. When he isn't fighting or sparring, he can be found chasing after women with his friend Vadin; though as of late, that particular hobby has fallen by the wayside, as his best friend Kate has gone missing. He is known for being charming, brash, and volatile. Spent years as a mercenary soldier, though remained loyal to Talorc when he wasn't physically with The Guard.
Vadin: Stay tuned!
Cyrus: Stay tuned!
Noir aka ?: Stay tuned!
Talorc ‘The Sword’ MacNehhtonn (surname adopted for modernity): A Pict from the 9th century and now the vampire nation's liege, Talorc made a name for himself both before and after death as a fearless leader, cunning adversary, and ruthless soldier. He is the oldest living vampire and it shows through his salt-and-pepper blonde hair, weathered skin, and ancient brown eyes. He is the only link the vampires have to the watchers, acting as the liaison of his people. He is known for being harsh, hard-headed, and fierce, though when it comes to his daughter his softer side makes an appearance.
Kate or Kathryn Eithne MacNehhtonn: The borne daughter of Talorc and Herja, technically making her the next in line for the right to rule the vampire nation. Born in the early 1800s, she never knew her mother as she died under mysterious circumstances shortly after her birth. Kate has been told she looks like her mother with her long, black hair and cerulean eyes, and is as tenacious and untamable as she once was as well. She has the ability to camouflage in with her surroundings. When she's not playing pranks on The Guard or her father, she likes to exercise and hike on her massive property. She knows nothing but being pampered by her father, having never known strife or labor in her 200 years of life. A partyer by night and an online shopper extraordinaire and reality TV connoisseur by day, Kate is as carefree as they come.
Herja ‘The Harrier’: Born a human in Norway in the 10th century, Herja made a name for herself by pilfering and savagely slaying half of the upper continent of early Europe. She’s brought to her demise because of her warmongering, however is made a vampire shortly thereafter. She meets her beloved, Talorc, who she strings along for ten years before finally giving him a chance—though not by choice; only because he happened to save her from being sacrificed on a pagan alter. They spend the next 800 years together before she is brutally murdered by The Hangmen.
The First Arc: These 8 watchers make up the ruling body of watchers, for they were there in the beginning, at the start of it all.
Oleander: The original deity of fire. Has also taken over war in light of Adhamh’s banishment. His volcanic demeanor precedes him, lent from his rumbling voice and towering stature. He is known for being staunchly loyal to The Creator, bloodthirsty in his need for battle, and dangerous to those he considers an enemy. Long black locs, facial stubble, and hard orange eyes lend to the volcanic nature of the man, who can raise aforementioned phenomenon. His presence brings about a severe feeling of uneasiness and imminent danger. Considered extremely volatile and can largely decimate in the blink of an eye.
Imra: The first watcher to be made by The Creator. The antithesis to the deity of war, she is peace, and a fervent believer in goodness and righteousness. Imra chooses solitude and loyalty to her duty in favor of companionship with her watcher brethren. She has the ability to sooth with her powers through dreamscaping: creating an illusion of comfort for the beholder, taking them away from a place of pain to one of happiness. She is also telepathic and can see the future. The physical embodiment of luminosity, she has short white hair, ivory wings, and ice-blue eyes rimmed in gold.
Adhamh: The first and only watcher to deflect from The Creator. He used to be the celestial deity of war before he fell in love with a human woman and denounced his title in the name of vengeance. He has the ability to disappear and has learned to make vampires with the same capability. Responsible for the wraith scourge upon Earth, Adhamh remains removed while delegating his minions to do his bidding. Lore states that he is bound somewhere on Earth with no means of escape. For now...
Xypher: A celestial watcher known for controlling the wind. Doesn’t truly have a form nor a gender.
Hydra: A celestial watcher given the means to control water. Her skin shimmers with a pearlescent tone while long hair the color of seafoam lays in tight curls to her waist. She adorns herself with seashell jewelry while the wings that arch beyond her shoulders are the color of the palest of sand, though some cerulean feathers can be discerned sporadically. She has sharp brown eyes and an attitude to match, as she is as wild as rapids and untamable as the sea.
Undulane: A celestial watcher who controls the land. She has straight black hair that slides over a muscular form, and bright green eyes which glow from beneath the mightily antlered elk skull she wears to cover her face. Her wings are an ombre of brown to forest green. Calm in nature with an austere countenance, Undulane rarely smiles and is arguably the most apprehensive of the watchers.
Bara Khan: A celestial watcher who controls the night.
Raham: A celestial watcher known for controlling the day and light. Sports a massive set of ivory wings tipped in gold. He is tall and broad, and wears nothing but a slim, brown covering about his muscular hips. His skin, bronze in color, absorbs the light that surrounds him only to reflect it back in a subtle glow. To be near him is fatal; his beaming form radiates unimaginable heat. His dark hair is shorn to his scalp, his face clean-shaven. Wise and thoughtful, he is the most understanding of the First Arc.
Santiago: A vampire made by Adhamh who wants to overthrow Talorc for his throne. He's focused solely on bringing down The Guards of Nightfall to get Talorc’s seat of power. Has the ability to disappear at will and take others with him but can only do it so many times. He also can be summoned at any time by Adhamh. Vile, narrowminded, and evil to his core, Santiago initiates and oversees the capture and torture of Kate.
Taryn: A human woman born in Northeast America in 1991, she sports dark brown hair and eyes to match. A registered nurse by trade, Taryn is known for being determined, sarcastic, and strong-willed, with a mouth to make even the most vulgar of sailor's blush. When she isn't pursuing the next step up in her career she likes to kickbox, read, and sample different wines. She is made into a vampire after being murdered by Santiago at the behest of her beloved, Ryder.
Lilith: Born in Turkey in 1823, she was murdered by soldiers during the Crimean War. After being made into a vampire, she is now a physician who lives in New York City where she has her own clinic and practice. For the last one hundred and fifty years, she hasn’t left the city, comfortable and safe within its busy borders…until she is asked by her coven’s leader, Robertha, to help The Guards of Nightfall. She is tall, thin, with platinum blonde hair and sage eyes, and is not known for her friendliness. She is a female of dedication and isolation, and that suits her just fine.
Mora: A servant in Talorc’s household who raised Kate from an infant. She was a warrior from ages ago, but that time in her life has long passed. She has grey hair and brown eyes and is kind and nurturing. She has the gift of perception: she can easily pick up on emotions and sometimes thoughts.
Asha: The daughter of Mora and Kate's best friend. The two females were raised together and are very close in age. Asha works as a servant in Talorc's household, but also lives her own life outside of her work. She has long, golden wavy hair and brown, sparkling eyes, with a personality as carefree and jubilant as her father, who manages Talorc's stables. Occasionally dallies with Vadin, spilling all the details so Kate can live vicariously through her.