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Natasha Galan

Hi all! If you haven't seen the posts on my socials, I've had to delay the debut of Night Ascending. My household has been overcome by strep throat, I started a new job (and because of the strep have already missed time!), and I'm still working diligently with the cover artist and am worried I won't be able to order a proof of the paperback in time. I hate to say that I have to postpone the release, but I need everything to be perfect! In the meantime, if you haven't already noticed the site got a little makeover and there's some new nuggets for you to explore. I'm hoping for an early October release for Night Ascending so keep your eyes peeled! Thank you all for your dedication and patience.

Natasha Galan

I can't believe I've set a date for the release of Night Ascending. It feels so surreal! It is definitely crunch time over here. I'm developing a marketing plan for the next month, working on cool giveaways, engaging ARC readers, and the "final" version (is there ever?) of the manuscript went back to the editor this week. I share a lot of updates through my other social media channels (check out my Instagram and Facebook links at the top right corner!), but I'll add one or two here too. A lot is happening, and as summer turns the bend and autumn approaches, I'm excited to keep up the momentum.

After endless revisions of Night Ascending I was able to open up the third book the other day and knock out 2k words before I had to get back to real life. I'm super excited about the next story and to watch The Guards of Nightfall continue to grow. What are you getting into as summer ends?

Natasha Galan

Are you enjoying the teasers for the new book? What would you like to see next? We've done the characters, the title... Should I do the cover? The release date? Pick two numbers and I share that line from the book? AH! So many ideas, so much to tease, so little time! Drop a comment  to give me some ideas! Life has been increasingly chaotic lately, so I could use some fun as a distraction!


Thanks for reading!

Site content © 2023-2024 Natasha Galan - All Rights Reserved

Site design features © Natali Waters

Personal portrait © Kristen Margiotta

Book artwork © Miblart


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